
The purpose of this policy is to support public health objectives and ensure there is no smoking or use of e-cigarettesExternal Link (vaping) on school premises (buildings and grounds), within 4 metres of school entrances or at school sanctioned events held off-premises.


  • In Victoria, a person must not smoke or vape on school premises or within 4 metres of any pedestrian access point to school premises.
  • The prohibition on smoking includes vaping and applies whether or not the e-cigarette contains nicotine, or is prescribed for therapeutic use.
  • Cigarettes and e-cigarettes cannot be sold to people under 18 years of age.
  • It is a legislative requirement that schools must display suitable ‘No SmokingExternal Link ’ signs at all pedestrian access points (entrances) to the school grounds – ‘No Smoking or Vaping’ signs also meet this requirement.
  • Smoking and vaping are not permitted during school events and excursions held off school premises.
  • Use or possession of an e-cigarette does not fall under any of the specific grounds for suspension of a student listed in Ministerial Order 1125.
  • Schools can refer to the Guidance tab for further information on managing vaping.


Smoking and vaping ban

A person must not smoke cigarettes, including e-cigarettes (regardless of whether they contain nicotine or are prescribed for therapeutic use) within school premises and within 4 metres of any pedestrian access to school premises. Smoking in these places is a fineable offence. The smoking and vaping ban applies to:

  • anyone present on school premises during and outside of school hours including students, teachers, contractors, parents or carers or the wider community, such as sporting groups
  • all activities that take place on school premises including pre-schools, kindergartens, outside school hours care, cultural, sporting or recreational activities and school fetes.

The department also bans smoking and vaping at school events and excursions held off school premises.

The Department of Health websiteExternal Link has further advice, factsheets and diagrams to help schools define premises and pedestrian access points where smoking and vaping is banned.

‘No Smoking’ signage requirement

Schools must:

  • display ‘No Smoking’ signs at each pedestrian access point to the school premises – ‘No Smoking or Vaping’ signs also meet this legislative requirement
  • display the signs in such a prominent position at each entrance to make it clear that the area at or within 4 metres of that entrance is a smoke and vape-free area.

Free ‘No Smoking or Vaping’ signs can be downloaded through the Department of Health websiteExternal Link .

Other actions

Principals or their delegate must ensure that the whole school community is aware that smoking and vaping are not permitted on school premises and within 4 metres of school entrances. This may be achieved through the signage required at each entrance. If further measures are required (due to non-compliance), notices in the school newsletter, on the school website and direct communication with specific staff, students, parents/carers or visitors who are non-compliant may be required.

It is recommended that principals or their delegate:

  • remind the school community that smoking and vaping are not permitted at school-sanctioned events held off school premises
  • where relevant remind staff that a person must not smoke or vape in a motor vehicle if a person under 18 years is also present in the motor vehicle
  • encourage department employees who require support to comply with the ban to:
    • contact QuitlineExternal Link (calling 13 78 48, texting or requesting callback, online webchat, My QuitBuddy app) – Quitline is a friendly, confidential service with trained counsellors who provide practical advice tailored for each person
    • contact their general practitioner (GP)
    • use the Employee Wellbeing Support Services on 1300 291 071 or online via the Converge International PortalExternal Link – offers specialist advice to support positive lifestyle changes
  • make tobacco and vaping education, information and staff training available to support students not to smoke or vape – refer to the Guidance and Resources tab.

Resources and school supports

The Guidance tab contains information and advice to support schools to prevent and manage student vaping in schools.

The Resources tab contains links and materials to assist schools, parents/carers and the whole school community to talk to children and young people about the dangers of smoking and vaping, and support young people who do smoke and/or vape to stop. Template wording is also available to assist schools in sharing information about smoking and vaping with parents and carers through their school communication channels (for example, their school newsletter).

School and area-based health, wellbeing and inclusion workforces can also assist with providing support to students who smoke or vape. These include:

  • Doctors in Secondary School Program
  • Secondary School Nursing Program
  • Student Support Services Program
  • Mental Health Practitioners in Schools
  • Primary Welfare Officers
  • Koorie Engagement Support Officers.


Electronic cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are electronic devices which heat and vaporise liquids that may or may not contain nicotine or flavouring agents. The vapour is inhaled, simulating the act of smoking. Use of e-cigarettes is commonly referred to as ‘vaping’.

Relevant legislation

Department policy outlining the legislative requirements to implement the smoking and vaping ban in schools

Reviewed 26 August 2024

Policy last updated

26 August 2024


  • Schools


Health Promotion, Prevention and Advice

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