School operations

OHS Risk Planning and Management

Reviewing and monitoring risk controls

Monitoring the effectiveness of risk controls is best done through school staff and HSR consultation and feedback.

The principal or their delegate must ensure that risk controls are reviewed at regular intervals, at least annually, and scheduled in the school OHS activities calendar (XLSX)External Link . This ensures the monitoring and review of the effectiveness of these controls, and provides an opportunity for continuous improvement. Refer to Planning for effective OHS risk management for more information about using the OHS activities calendar.

The principal or their delegate must also review risk controls in the school OHS risk register when:

  • new potential hazards or risks are identified (for example, through a report in eduSafe plus, workplace inspections, specific risk assessments)
  • incidents, injuries or near misses occur
  • new hazardous substances are introduced into the school (refer to the Chemical Management policy or Plant and Equipment Management policy)
  • new information regarding a hazard is made available or communicated by the department or WorkSafe
  • existing hazards and risks are no longer relevant (and as a result, archived).

If a risk control has not been implemented by the intended completion date, the principal or their delegate must identify the reasons for the delay and, in consultation with school staff who are or are likely to be affected, HSRs, where elected, and those tasked with implementing the risk control, determine an alternate date and update the OHS risk register.

Regular discussions regarding health, safety and wellbeing at meetings (for example, health and safety committees and staff meetings) is strongly encouraged, and a great way to embed a positive health, safety and wellbeing culture throughout the school. The principal or their delegate should keep people updated and regularly communicate outcomes regarding hazard identification, risk assessment and implemented controls to contribute to this safety culture. Refer to the OHS Consultation and Communication policy for further detail.

Includes information on the best ways to monitor the effectiveness of risk controls

Reviewed 14 June 2024

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