School operations


Including camps and adventure activities


Local school policy

A downloadable excursions policy template for Victorian government schools is available on the department’s School Policy Templates Portal – Camps and Excursions (including local excursions)External Link (staff login required). Schools can modify the template to suit their local circumstances.

Excursions e-learning module

From 15 December 2022 onwards, school staff with primary responsibility for organising a school camp and/or water-based activity must have completed the mandatory excursions e-learning module. These staff are encouraged to complete the module annually. Staff responsible for organising excursions of any other type are also encouraged to complete the module. The module is located in eduPayExternal Link .


The forms below have been developed by the department to ensure that schools’ legal obligations with regard to the duty of care towards students are met.

Schools are not required to use these exact forms if they have other communication methods for seeking consent and collecting information for excursions. However, schools should ensure that they do not make substantive modifications to the key information, or remove questions contained in these forms, without seeking advice from the department’s Legal Division.

Schools are also reminded that privacy legislation covers the collection of personal information by schools. Further information about the collection of personal information may be found at Privacy and Information Sharing.

Planning documentation

These documents have been developed to assist in the planning of excursions

Risk management tools

Activity specific risk registers

Schools may use the below risk registers, developed for specific activities. School must tailor these risk registers to the individual circumstances of their activity and participating group. For guidance on specific activities, see the Guidance tab.

External information resources

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic, including template consent forms and risk registers

Reviewed 29 August 2024

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