
This policy outlines requirements and recommendations for the use of digital technologies (digital hardware, software and resources) in a safe, intentional and responsible way that supports learning.


Schools are expected to ensure the safe, intentional and responsible use of digital technologies to support student learning. To achieve this, schools:

  • must develop an Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) outlining student behavioural expectations regarding the safe, intentional and responsible use of digital technologies
  • must communicate these expectations with students (for example, by sending AUAs to students and their families and publishing a copy on their school website). Template AUAs are available on the Resources tab
  • must consult with the school community on the development and review of the AUAs
  • must ensure all students have free access to the digital technologies they need to fulfil the requirements of the Curriculum, in accordance with the Parent Payments policy
  • are encouraged to strategically plan for the use of digital technologies.


Establishing school-wide behavioural expectations and approaches

Schools are responsible for establishing clear expectations and approaches for how digital technologies can be used by staff and students.

Schools must develop an Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) outlining student behavioural expectations regarding the safe, intentional and responsible use of digital technologies.

AUAs include information for parents about digital technology at their child’s school, outline behavioural expectations for students, and give students an opportunity to agree to uphold these expectations. AUA templates for primary and secondary school settings are available in the Resources tab.

AUAs do not require school council approval but their development and review does require consultation with the school community. Schools may consider consulting with school council as part of your broader strategy to consult with the school community (as required under Child Safe Standard 4). If schools include a device program that requests parent payments for digital devices (that is, through contributions for school owned devices or inviting parents to supply or purchase devices), approval to implement the device program is required from school council. See ‘requesting parent payments for digital devices’ on the Parent Payments Resources tab for more information.

Schools are encouraged to:

  • use digital technologies in an intentional way, meaning appropriately balancing teaching and learning with and without digital technologies, and using digital technologies in carefully considered ways that support learning and wellbeing outcomes, while reducing the potential risks associated with its use
  • conduct regular reviews of the digital technologies, including to what extent:
    • they support learning or wellbeing outcomes
    • they prioritise the privacy and safety of students and staff
    • new features or changes may create opportunities or challenges. Refer to the Software and Administration Systems policy
  • incorporate online safety education into their curriculum planning
  • ensure parents/carers are aware of expectations for appropriate behaviour regarding the use of digital technology when interacting with school staff, which can be further elaborated in a school-based Respect for School Staff policyExternal Link (staff login required)
  • use language in AUA that is easy to understand, is culturally appropriate and if required, translated into multiple languages. Schools can use funded Interpreting and Translation Services for key school communications.

Implementing new Acceptable Use Agreement templates

Schools with a pre-existing local Digital Learning (Internet, Social Media and Digital Devices) policy are encouraged to archive this policy once they have developed an AUA using the department’s new template. This can be done in preparation for the 2025 school year, or during the normal 2-year local policy review cycle.

Communicating behavioural expectations to students

Schools must communicate behavioural expectations regarding the safe, intentional and responsible use of digital technologies to students. Schools are encouraged to do this by sending AUAs to students and their families. Sending a copy of the AUA home and publishing it on the school website will assist parents to understand the behaviours expected of students by the school.

In certain cases, such as with very young students (for example, Prep to Year 2), students with additional learning needs or students facing language barriers, schools may need to adapt their AUAs, or adopt alternative methods suited to their students’ capabilities while still addressing behavioural expectations. For example, schools can adapt the section ‘My ideas on safe and responsible online behaviour’ to ask students to draw or speak about how they can use technologies responsibly, rather than read and sign the ‘student agreement’.

While not legally binding, AUAs can help to build student digital literacy skills and are helpful to highlight the importance of respecting others, protecting personal information, and calling out inappropriate behaviour (including cyberbullying) online. Schools are encouraged to involve students in the process of developing, reviewing, and communicating these agreements. Schools are encouraged to align AUAs with their school’s local Student Wellbeing and Engagement policyExternal Link (staff login required) and securely retain AUAs that have been signed by students.

Responding to breaches of behavioural expectations

When a student acts in breach of the behaviour standards of the school community (including cyberbullying, using digital technologies to harass, threaten or intimidate, or viewing/posting/sharing of inappropriate or unlawful content), the school can institute a staged response, consistent with their Student Engagement and Wellbeing policy.

Consequences will depend on the severity of the breach and the context of the situation, with consideration given to the impact on a student's engagement and ability to achieve learning outcomes. If school-based privileges are removed, this must be for a specific time-limited period, which is clearly communicated to the student. Consequences may include:

  • removal of network access privileges
  • removal of email privileges
  • removal of internet access privileges
  • removal of printing privileges
  • other consequences as outlined in the school’s Student Wellbeing and Engagement and Bullying Prevention policies.

Student digital device provision

Schools must ensure all students have free access to the digital technologies they need to fulfil the requirements of the Curriculum, in accordance with the Parent Payments policy.

The department does not mandate a specific provisioning model or device-ratio for student digital devices at any year level. Schools can choose the digital device provision model and device ratio that is most appropriate to support their teaching and learning priorities.

Refer to the Guidance tab for more information about digital device provisioning models.

Strategic planning for digital technologies

Schools are encouraged to plan for the use of digital technology using the department’s online ICT Strategic Planning Tool. This can support teaching and learning to help to maximise the benefits and avoid any potential harms from digital technologies.

Refer to the Guidance tab for more information about how to strategically plan your school’s use of digital technologies.


1-to-1 learning program
Where each student has ongoing access to a digital device at school for educational purposes.

Digital device provision model
A digital device provision model is the approach a school takes to ensuring there are adequate and appropriate digital technologies available for students to learn. This includes decisions about appropriate student-device ratios, and whether to invite parents to purchase or supply a device from home.

Digital technologies
Digital hardware, software and resources used to develop and communicate learning, ideas and information. Note, not to be confused with ‘Digital Technologies’ which is a discipline within the Technologies learning areaExternal Link .

Department policy on requirements and recommendations for the use of digital technologies (digital hardware, software and resources) in a safe, intentional and responsible way that supports learning

Reviewed 04 September 2024

Policy last updated

2 September 2024


  • Schools


Digital Learning Policy and Practice Unit

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