
Tutor Practice Guide – 2024

The Tutor Practice Guide (DOCX)External Link provides targeted advice for teachers and educators working in the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI). This includes advice on program design, curriculum planning, pedagogy, and assessment.

The guide will also be useful to school leaders, school improvement teams and classroom teachers to ensure tutoring is integrated into the school’s broader teaching and learning program.

Tutor Learning Initiative – 2024 funding

For information about 2024 TLI funding, please refer to the 2024 student resource package confirmed guide, available at Student Resource Package – Overview: Resources.

Professional learning

The department offers staff from government schools free professional learning webinars throughout the year to support the implementation of TLI. These can be accessed through the TLI Arc channelExternal Link where tutors, school leaders and regional staff may register to attend.

Arc will be updated throughout the year as additional TLI professional learning is made available. For more information, refer to: Tutor Learning Initiative Professional LearningExternal Link .

Tutors can also access professional learning via the TLI Hub. The TLI Hub’s 8 professional learning modules contain the essential requirements of tutors, plus guidance and resources to enhance small group teaching skills. For more information, refer to: Tutor Learning Initiative HubExternal Link (staff login required).

Key insights from the implementation of the Tutor Learning Initiative

The department commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to evaluate the first year of implementation of the Tutor Learning Initiative in 2021. The evaluation demonstrated many positive impacts of the initiative and the key insights (DOCX)External Link are available for download

Tutor Learning Initiative – What works? Implementation insights

The Tutor Learning Initiative – What works? Implementation insights (DOCX)External Link is designed to support school leaders and tutors to learn more about the positive impact of the TLI in 2021 and ‘what works’ when implementing the initiative. Along with outlining critical factors for success, it also provides an opportunity for school staff to reflect and consider any TLI implementation improvements that they may wish to make in 2024.

TLI Implementation Continua

The TLI Implementation Continua (DOCX)External Link (the Continua) is designed to support schools to reflect, self-evaluate, and track their progress towards TLI implementation. The Continua includes 6 dimensions describing the TLI policy parameters and related guidance. Each dimension is unpacked across 4 levels of proficiency to support school self-assessment and setting of developmental goals.

The Continua can be used by schools to:

  • self-evaluate their current TLI implementation and small group learning practice and understand what improved practice looks like
  • engage in reflection, inquiry and conversations about improving TLI implementation.

Recruitment assistance

Recruitment Online Help for RecruitersExternal Link (staff login required) includes a training tutorial video, frequently asked questions and instructions on how to search the talent pool and appoint applicants who have expressed interest in employment as a tutor.

Information for families – templates

Schools can choose to use this template letter to families of students that have been identified to receive additional support (DOCX)External Link through the Tutor Learning Initiative.

The templates can be modified to include information about the school’s selected practice approach, frequency of small group tutoring sessions and curriculum focus. Schools should consider whether this letter requires translation into a language other than English or if the English version requires tailoring to best meet their local context and community’s needs.

The following resources provide additional advice and context:

Resources for the Tutor Learning Initiative 2021

Reviewed 28 August 2024

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