School operations

Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and Compliance

Safe Tree Program Guidelines

Schools are required to conduct regular maintenance of their school grounds following the asset management roles and responsibilities framework and their school maintenance plan (where applicable).

Schools are required to manage trees on school sites as part of schools’ occupational health and safety responsibilities. Schools must engage an arborist to undertake an annual tree integrity audit inspection, following advice from OHS Risk Management policy and the Contractor OHS Management policy.

When schools have conducted routine school tree assessment and there are trees classified as high-risk, with supporting documentation (arborist report and quote for high risk tree works), the school may apply to the Safe Tree Program (the program) for financial support of high-risk tree works and the cost of the arborist report. The school will implement the high-risk tree works through their qualified arborist.

Through the program advice and financial support can also be provided to schools to assess, manage, and have high-risk tree works conducted where schools do not otherwise have the capacity to arrange an arborist inspection and undertake such works through a qualified arborist.

In this situation the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) will lead the assessment of trees on the school grounds and the implementation of any high-risk tree works.

The program is managed by the VSBA Response Programs Unit, who can be contacted via email:

Eligibility criteria

The program is application-based and open to all government schools.

Financial assistance under this program is available for schools:

  • to engage a qualified arborist to assess the health of all existing trees on site
  • to address the recommendations for high-risk tree works provided by a qualified arborist.

Under the program, schools may also seek advice and assistance from the VSBA in implementing the recommendations provided by a qualified arborist when work is funded by the school.

There is no limit on the number of high-risk trees eligible for Safe Tree Program funding – the intent of the program is to prioritise the removal and/or pruning of all identified high-risk trees from school sites.

Schools should not apply for assistance through the program for:

  • vegetation and grass removal or management
  • tree sanctuaries or plantations as defined in the Plantations policy.

High-risk trees

High-risk trees are trees posing significant safety risk, such as instances when branches (or whole trees) are dead or damaged.

To properly assess all trees on the school site, schools must engage a qualified arborist.

Arborist reports

When procuring an arborist report, schools must ensure all trees on site are inspected and included in the arborist report with an appropriate risk rating.

Schools must request quotes for any works related to high-risk trees. For further reference on how to engage a qualified arborist, refer to the Contractor OHS Management policy and the OHS provider directoryExternal Link (staff login required).

Risk rating for trees under the safe tree program

Trees identified for removal or trimming under the program must be assessed and classified based on a hazard rating by an independent qualified arborist. This should include a combination of factors including health, structure and condition. The risk rating mechanism should utilise the below categories:

  • Urgent – should be undertaken immediately, these trees represent an immediate hazard
    Note: if any urgent tree/s needs to be removed immediately the school should contact the 24/7 Make-safe service hotline on 1300 133 468
  • High – should be undertaken within 6 months
  • Medium – should be undertaken within 12 to 24 months
  • Low – should be undertaken within 24 to 36 months.

Removing stumps from school sites

Tree stumps should be removed when they are in a high-traffic area and when they pose a safety risk at the arborist’s recommendation. Schools should ensure that any potential soil contamination concerns are reviewed prior to stump removal.

In cases where removing the tree stump might cause additional damage, such as damage to underground pipes, the tree stumps should be ground down rather than removed. For further information relating to soils, refer to the Asbestos Management policy.

Following approval of the program application, any required tree stumps works will be funded by the program.

Native tree replanting

Schools can seek assistance to replace high-risk trees that were removed as part of their approved program application. The choice of trees should be in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Building Quality and Standards Handbook (PDF)External Link .

Following approval of the program application, schools will be notified of the availability for financial assistance for the purchase and re-planting of native trees and given advice on the trees that are suitable for re-planting.

A grant of a set amount per tree may be provided. Schools are asked to purchase the trees first and then seek reimbursement through their application in the Asset Information Management System (AIMS) within 6 months of the date of the application being approved.

The school must provide evidence of payment for the purchase of the native trees which may also include any costs incurred in re-planting, if applicable (that is, a contractor to dig the holes, plant and mulch/stabilise the tree).

Schools or the VSBA must plant at least 2 native trees for every one high-risk tree removed in accordance with the Tree Removal and Replacement policy.

Making an application

Applications for the program can be made through AIMS by raising a Service Request. When starting an application schools should select one of the following options based on support they are applying for:

  1. school-led works with financial assistance provided through the program (only where an arborist report has already been procured)
  2. department-led (VSBA) works with financial assistance provided through the program
  3. department-led works where the school is not seeking financial assistance and works are school funded.

Next steps

Program applications are approved by the VSBA Response Program Unit. Schools are advised of the outcome of applications via email.

Schools will be notified of the outcome of their application within 10 days of submitting a completed application and providing all required details to facilitate the assessment process.

Delivery of works

Schools seeking assistance through the program can either deliver the arborists recommendations themselves (school-led project) or seek assistance from the department (VSBA-led).

Schools wishing to deliver the arborist recommendations themselves (school-led) must submit an already procured/existing arborist report as part of their application.

Schools requiring assistance to procure and implement the arborist recommendations (funded through the program or the school) must specify this in the Safe Tree application. These works will be delivered by the department (VSBA-led).

The below section outlines detailed steps for each of the options.

VSBA-led projects

Step 1: School submits an application

School completes an application in AIMS using the Service Request module in AIMS: login to access AIMSExternal Link .

In the application schools must provide:

  • a description of concerns of any potential trees/branches
  • a quote for the procurement of an independent qualified arborist report.

The school may also provide an arborist report or a quote for high-risk tree works, dated within the last 12 months, where they now want the VSBA to lead the assessment and management of high-risk tree works.

Step 2: Assessment of application

The application is assessed, and the outcome is provided in writing with direction on next steps.

Step 3: Completion of tree works

The works will include organising an independent qualified arborist to assess the existing tree/s condition on site and implementation of the arborist recommendations relating to identified high-risk trees.

Where schools have applied for a school funded, department-led (VSBA) project, the VSBA will issue an invoice to the school seeking reimbursement of costs upon completion of the project.

School-led projects

Schools wishing to deliver the arborist recommendations themselves (school-led) must submit an already procured/existing arborist report (dated to within 6 months of the date of their application) as part of their application.

Step 1: School submits an application

School completes an application in AIMS using the Service Request Module in AIMS: login to access AIMSExternal Link .

The application consists of milestones/activities. For school-led activities, the applicant (school user) will be able to create and link school-led work orders to the milestone. These school-led work orders can be managed in the Facilities Management application, as per the current school’s process in AIMS.

In the application schools must provide:

  • a description of concerns of any potential trees/branches
  • an existing/current arborist report by a qualified independent arborist (dated within 6 months of their application) which identifies high-risk trees
  • a supporting quote for the cost of high-risk tree works required as part of the recommendations contained in the arborist report
  • evidence and proof of payment for cost of the arborist report. This evidence is required if the school wants the cost of the arborist report reimbursed back to the school upon approval of the application, prior to the actual completion and acquittal of the high-risk tree works themselves.

Schools must organise any quote/s for High-risk tree works as per the Contractor OHS Management policy and the OHS provider directoryExternal Link (staff login required).

Step 2: Assessment of application

The application is assessed, and the outcome is provided in writing with directions on next steps.

Step 3: Endorsement

The school is notified to proceed with approved high-risk tree works as per the arborist report and the supporting quote for high-risk tree works.

Note: if works are completed prior to approval of the application, the school will be unable to be reimbursed for any costs incurred whilst carrying out the high-risk tree works.

Step 4: School organises endorsed high-risk tree works

The school arranges for a qualified arborist to complete the works. This qualified arborist may be the same one who provided the arborist report or a different qualified person who can carry out the high-risk tree works.

Step 5: Evidence of works completed

Following the completion of the high-risk tree works, the school uploads evidence of the works completed and evidence of payment for the high-risk tree works into AIMS. The school must upload:

  • a tax invoice and evidence of payment for the cost of the high-risk tree works
  • photos of some or all of the completed works or other supporting evidence.
Step 6: Acquittal

Once all the required documentation is provided, the department (VSBA) will reimburse the school for the cost of the high-risk tree works completed.

Guidance on funding arrangements under the Safe Tree Program

Reviewed 25 July 2024

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