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The purpose of this policy is to define the mandatory systems of record for school administration processes and information.


Victorian government schools must use the named systems of record to record and maintain data, information and records as set out in the table below.

This is to ensure that:

  • information available to schools, regional and corporate stakeholders is accurate, up to date and fit for purpose for decision-making
  • privacy, security and integrity of information is suitably protected and maintained, in accordance with applicable legislation and regulation and applicable Departmental policies
  • information shared with authorised parties is from a reliable, authoritative source
  • duplication and replication of information is substantially reduced

Note that this policy replaces the previous CASES21 Policy.


Victorian government schools must use the Department-provisioned systems of record to record and maintain data, information and records as follows.

Student Administration

ProcessSystems of RecordDescription
Enrolment CaptureCASES21Computerised Administrative System Environment for Schools (CASES21) captures all data and records when enrolling a student at a school.
CensusCASES21Census collection — February and August student enrolment, computers and staffing.
Student TransitionCASES21

Transfer of all data and records pertaining to a student from one school to another.

Destination Data for years 9 to 12 students.

Student AchievementCASES21Recording of Teacher Judgements from Foundation to Year 10.
VASSVictorian Assessment Software System (VASS) Is an online service. Data is recorded on a central database for all senior secondary and foundation secondary course/subjects and results, as well as destination data.
EOIEnglish Online Interview (EOI) — Assessing English Skills of students between Foundation and Year 2.
Attendance and Absence RecordingCASES21Recording of attendance for each student.
Recording of absence including explanation reason.
SALStudent Activity Locator (SAL) — records all out of school activities including contact information of the venue and staff member responsible attending the excursion for emergency management purposes
Health and Wellbeing InformationCASES21Capture of fundamental health and welfare data for a student, including doctor’s contact details, support services and medical conditions.
eduSafe PlusSickbay and related medical responses and occupational health events.
Health Activity Reporting Tool (HART). Recording occasions of service by visiting School Nurses. Holds data captured through the School Entrant Health Questionnaire
SOCSStudent Online Case System (SOCS). Recording Student Support Services cases, assessments and interventions
PSDMSProgram for Students with Disabilities Management System (PSDMS). Used to record/manage/report applications for students with a disability and high needs who attend government schools.
Discipline, Merit and BehaviourCASES21

Diary entries recording student specific observations and behaviours.

Recording of student expulsion and suspension disciplinary actions.

Incidents, Events and Consent RecordingCASES21

Diary entries recording school or student incidents or activities not involving or related to a situation that causes harm or creates a risk of causing harm to a student’s health, safety or wellbeing either directly or indirectly, an injury, illness or medical occurrence.

Recording of consent provided for a student to be involved in an activity, or for the school to take action under defined circumstances.

eduSafe PlusDiary entries recording school or student incidents or activities involving or related to a situation that causes harm or creates a risk of causing harm to a student’s health, safety or wellbeing either directly or indirectly, an injury, illness or medical occurrence.
Student and Family Profile Records MaintenanceCASES21

Ensuring that information held regarding a student and their family is up to date, comprehensive and accurate.

Maintenance of records of secondary families, court orders and related conditions.

School Management

ProcessSystems of RecordDescription
Finance –
Accounting and Budgeting
CASES21Planning, recording and controlling of all financial activities.
SRPStudent Resource Package (SRP) — Tracking and reporting against funded programs.
SPOTStrategic Planning Online Tool (SPOT) records all strategic planning documents in one location as part of the FISO (Framework Improving Student Outcomes) improvement cycle, including management of Equity Funds.
Schools Targeted Funding PortalA Portal used by schools to request reimbursements for key school targeted funding processes, for example, new initiatives.
Finance –
Receivables and Payables

Recording of all cash and non-cash revenue from debtors.

Recording of all cash and non-cash outgoings to creditors.

CSEFCamps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) record/manage applications for eligible students to receive financial support to participate in camps, sports and excursions.
Procurement and PurchasingCASES21Records of requisitions, approvals, purchases and receipting of goods and services.
Facilities, Assets and MaintenanceCASES21Recording asset value and quantity.
AIMSAsset Information Management System (AIMS) – Managing work orders for maintenance and repairs, inspections, buildings and all essential services.
DETcleanRegional School Council Contract Cleaning Management System
Human Resources and PayrolleduPayDepartmental HR, recruitment and payroll system for all staff including staff paid locally at school. Includes leave and leave balances, bank and taxation, contact information, payslips, PDP review, online job advertisement for Victorian school job vacancies including Executive Class, Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers and Education Support Staff, LearnED training catalogue as well as associated payroll management reports and functions.
SLPSchool Local Payroll (SLP) within eduPay. Processed within eduPay for locally paid staff that includes casual staff as well as staff employed by the school council. Staff who have existing access to eduPay will have the required access to undertake SLP transactions.
eduSafe PlusSystem where all staff incidents/accidents are recorded.
Student TransportCASES21Recording student transport (bus) routes (Special School setting).
SCASSchool Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS) tool used to manage eligible families in regional and rural Victoria access to additional financial support to transport their students to school.

External systems

Schools may implement systems and/or subscribe to information services which provide additional capabilities for student and school administration. Examples include online services for parents and carers, assessment or grading tools, financial services or banking services (‘External Systems’).

Where a school implements one or more External System, they must ensure that any data, information or records generated or maintained in these systems is updated into the relevant Systems of Record, in line with student and school administration policy for the relevant function.


Student and School Administration
Student and School Administration is the collective term for the policies, processes and systems which enable the day to day running of a school. These are broadly grouped into four major domains, being:

School Management
Administrative operational activities of a school including; finance and accounting, procurement, facilities and asset management, human resource management, risk management, and ancillary services.

Student Administration
Activities centred around a student and their family including; enrolment and transition, attendance, census, achievements, maintaining student and family profiles, health and wellbeing, recording incidents, events and consent.

Systems of Record
The systems and databases which are considered to contain data and records where the integrity, validity and security of this information is vital to deliver required reporting functions. For this policy, ‘Systems of Record’ applies to the ‘School Management’ and ‘Student Administration’ domains as defined above.

External Systems
Systems and services used by schools which are not provisioned or directly supported by the Department, i.e. provided by a third party.

Relevant legislation

Service Portal

Log a request in the Service PortalExternal Link

Department policy on the mandatory systems of record for school administration processes and information including CASES21, eduPay, edusafe, SPOT and others (replaces the previous CASES21 Policy)

Reviewed 06 October 2024

Policy last updated

7 October 2024


  • Schools


School Application Services, School Digital Services Branch – Information Management and Technology Division Please refer to below link to log a request in the Service Portal

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